that's me Vivek and Sargine at church last week took this on Jennifer's new phone..:)
Posted by Picasa that little guy Vivek plays guitar keyboard and sings like a professional..hes a true wonderkid
I was feeling down today and I put this as my status on yahoo messenger "I hate the gift of self-will and that wht screws my life"
This chechi(chechi is wht we call elder sisters in my language- its a sign of respect) I know saw this and spoke to me..she's a blessing to me.Thank you Lord for such wonderful people in my life
here's the transcript...I hope it helps others who go thru wht I'm goin thru
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:56:52 AM): hey thomas!!!
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:56:55 AM): hey chechi
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:56:57 AM): how you doing
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:56:59 AM): been sometime
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:57:05 AM): i knw
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:57:09 AM): kind off busy
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:57:11 AM): stil busy
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:57:27 AM): but couldnt resist typing, whn i saw youer status bar!!
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:57:43 AM): ah..just random thoughts...
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:57:52 AM): wht happnd
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:57:59 AM): If I dint have that would I ever do anything wrong
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:58:19 AM): hellooooooooooooooooo
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:58:29 AM): tak in some lang: whihc normal people, understand
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 5:58:32 AM): wht hapnd
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:59:00 AM): ah if I dint have the ability to make my decisions
thomascris (8/9/2005 5:59:15 AM): I would have been well off just following God's commandments
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:00:30 AM): but thomas, each time u fall, rememebr u r learning to walk!!!! ... like the babies who try to walk initially.. so whn the baby gonna fall, jst watch, how the dad/mom run to hold babies hand.. How much more our heavnly father
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:01:09 AM): but I never learn to walk
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:01:16 AM): I hope I do soon
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:01:30 AM): its ok, some babies take a long time to walk (like me)
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:01:37 AM): Still dad waits...
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:02:34 AM): but guilt and fear kills me sometime though I dont show it outside
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:02:46 AM): ah u are not like me ..... u are far better than me chechi
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:03:35 AM): hey thomas!!!!! know tht guilt and diaapppointment are two major weopen devil uses aganist the believers
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:03:48 AM): Bible says, Oour God forgive and forgets.
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:04:04 AM): mmm I know all this its all in my head
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:04:04 AM): no dear, no one is better than any one.. its just pure grace tht all are like this
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:04:12 AM): Its not moving to my heart
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:04:22 AM): i knw .. it happens to me also many a time
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:04:32 AM): and i think to myself!!!
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:05:21 AM): u knw many a times, i know.. i am gonna sin, evn i pry, LORD... if i go there, i am sure, me gonna sin.. But still i end up doing/thinking whihc i'm not supposed to
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:06:06 AM): I know it is wrong..I know I'll fell bad once I do it...but I just turn my heart to stone and do it
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:06:18 AM): I'm one sick person sometimes
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:06:28 AM): ya same , thing evn i was trying to tel u
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:06:37 AM): not just u , me too
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:06:46 AM): but thts were HIS grace comes in place.
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:07:09 AM): His word says tht, evn if ur sin is like red.. he can turn it into white as snow
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:07:17 AM): u knw, HE knows us better
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:07:34 AM): Stil HE is patient enough to Handle us
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:07:46 AM): Just wait and tel LORD, i knew it...s til i did it...
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:08:04 AM): Tel me, we really dont wanna to.. but did it..
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:08:16 AM): MAn trust me, u can stil feel the gentle touch of the LORD
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:08:18 AM): i know chechi but I'm not quite able to get it in
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:08:30 AM): i knw.... happens...
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:08:51 AM): many a times i've gone thru situation like this ( remind u: many a times)
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:09:00 AM): many a times, i think.. i am fooling GOD
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:09:05 AM): and getting fooled myself..
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:09:19 AM): But u know.. He is slow to aner, companiate...
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:09:22 AM): Loving GOD
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:10:00 AM): I read the book of Jonah I kinda get the feeling that punishment is imminent
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:10:08 AM): and I dont know whts wrong with me
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:10:19 AM): I hope I get better
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:10:58 AM): today u talking like this, jsut coz... u really never wanna be in it
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:11:31 AM): s I guess
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:11:32 AM): u know THOMAS... if u still feel tht u did bad, just be happy tht, the HOLY SPIRIT Inside u, is telling uthis
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:11:56 AM): and HE is still working in YOU
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:12:19 AM): if Holy SPIRIT was not in u, u wil never feel tht u did wrong,
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:12:21 AM): rt??/
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:12:27 AM): s that is true
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:12:45 AM): so cheer boy!!!
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:12:56 AM): HE still needs u and HE is close to u
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:13:00 AM): s chechi
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:13:02 AM): HE wants to tel u something
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:13:14 AM): hmm
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:16:22 AM): thanx chechi....I feel better...I guess I shud spent more time in prayer and try not to repeat the same mistake again
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:17:29 AM): dont knw, whetehr u can pry now or not!!! but u can jst sit and talk to HIM
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:17:45 AM): coz me cant pry ... in such situations u c
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:18:17 AM): mmmm I think I can if I try to
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:19:55 AM): good, God Bless U dear,
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:20:21 AM): thank you chechi..u really are a blessing to me
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:20:47 AM): See, still it shows tht HE loves U moe than anyone...
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:20:57 AM): other wise , do u thiknk this BBUSY chechi wil talk to u
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:21:35 AM): s chechi I'm getting goosebumps and my eyes are getting wet
thomascris (8/9/2005 6:21:42 AM): love you
Joice Mary Titus (8/9/2005 6:22:20 AM): Love u too dear. God Loves u above all, spend time with HIM.. HE waiting for u
Isnt she wonderful...thank God for her again