Cedar of Lebenon
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I guess this Psalm is teaching me a lot...Look at how much the Lord will reward you for your righteousness...to claim the blessing we should be righteous,look at the tree in the picture..see how lush it is...look at the tree trunk and look how beautiful it looks...the Lord promises a lot for our righeousness
Another verse that worked wonders in me when I was in undergraduate class was
Psalm 37:4
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
All these verses speaks of the importance of fullfilling our duty if God were to bless us yes,God does not need our help to bless us..but to demand a blessing from HIM we need to be righteous....
I wanted to put a photo of the Palm tree too..but there are about 800 species of the the palm tree..but one thing is certain most of these are single trunk trees which grow to be really tall...the coconut tree common in my state is an example and the palm tree in the middle east too are tall and stout...there are a lot of info about the palm tree in these sites
The Palm Tree
The Palm Tree
The Palm Tree
I really appreciate the visuals you give to help us understand the scripture. It really brings the words to life! I can tell that you really ponder the scripture, instead of just reading it. Thank you!
i wish 37:4 really works.
It does
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. -- if you knew how many times I've employed that over the last 2 months... God is so faithful<3
First time here. Nice blog. You seem to be someone who's interested in photography. Check out my photoblog - snapshots2097.blogspot.com
Will surely be back here.
i hope so... sometimes it's hard to see that though...
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