My tall and giant frens..lol
Posted by Hello
shortest in the group is me..lol
the others are samuel and sadha(tallest)
I've always wanted to be tall...I've been in the first row in school
had to stand first during the school assembly and PT
but...God's grace never been bullied..mabbe cause all the bullies in school were my frens....ah that was me in school .....I wanted to be tall but never regretted being short except when I lost an air force commission due to my stupid thigh lenght...but again I knew God had something better for me...far better than being a figher pilot and again......
now I find most of the gud looking girls are tall lol...(just kidding)
little ones are cute too...
pray I find a beautiful little lady hopefully not a hobbit...lol..
Hello! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I will definitely check out 'Petra' if/when I get the chance! I am also in the 'Fellowship' that Tessiegirl and Penny Lane spoke of, and you are welcome at my blog anytime!
And I know how you feel, I am the shortest of all my friends as well. But I know the Lord made me the way I am for His purpose.
How In the world did you do that?!? Oh, I know you live in India. It is still Monday the 13th over here in the US of A!
God bless!!!
hey, thanks for commenting on my blog. It's nice to see interest from other christians from around the world. Just to rub in your shortness (just kidding), I'm six feet tall and still going strong. May God bless you.
I checked out your profile. I like your choice of music. ok-I love your choice of music.
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